The company “AIRMAN SOLUTIONS” S.R.L. registered in accordance with
“Law no. 220-XVI of 19.10.2007 regarding the state registration of legal entities and
individual entrepreneurs”, was established with the aim of providing services in the
field of Civil Aviation promoting in the Republic of Moldova the European standards
in the field of aviation and increasing the flight safety.
The company provides independent audit services for aeronautical activity,
consulting, documentation development, drone design and construction, and
professional training of Civil Aviation personnel.
The company has its Quality and Flight Safety Management Systems, whose
personnel control the work of such company departments as UAV Design, Training
or Services.

Company employees are experienced aviation specialists whose knowledge, experience and abilities are assessed by regularly conducted competency assessments.
Within the company “AIRMAN SOLUTIONS” S.R.L., in close cooperation with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Professional training programs for remote pilots of unmanned aircraft and Continuous professional training of non-navigating aeronautical personnel in the field of civil aviation were developed.
In order to carry out the planned activities, positive opinions were obtained in relation to the planned activity from the Great General Staff of the National Army, the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova.
Flights are carried out in close cooperation with the Moldavian Air Traffic Services Authority (S.E. “MOLDATSA”).